Don’t call it a dream,
call it a plan!
All you have got to do is decide to go and the hardest part is over.
We invite you to join us back at the beginning..... Where our incredible adventure became more than just a day dream in Ryan’s mind.
Back in March 2016 we left for our first ‘Ryan’ planned family holiday- a 3 week trip up to the majestic Fraser Island- visiting Yamba, Hervey Bay and Forster Tuncurry as we went. Ryan had been prepping for this trip for months and had it all planned out... and I reckon he had even pondered about the proposition that awaited me on one of our travel days in the first week.
On the 6.5 hour drive from Yamba to Hervey Bay, I made a comment to Ryan that in all our years since becoming ‘responsible adults’ I had NEVER seen him so relaxed, and it was 100% true. From this comment he proceeded to talk about how the idea of being away from work for more than a week and knowing he would have no reception for the work phone he be able to ‘finally switch off’ for the first time in years, and that was a truly unreal feeling. And then BOOM- it happens! “Wouldn’t it be amazing to go on a huge 6 month trip around Australia?” Ryan proposed.
Now I’ll be 100% honest- this comment/ question made me cringe and pull a very strong ‘NO WAY’ face. But he asked me to hear him out and so I did..... As Ryan always does, he managed to persway me to really consider the idea and I humoured him and said “Yeah, maybe”. Well Ryan heard this as a YES and away he went, planning how it would all work and what we’d need to do to make it happen.
Whilst I was still wrapping my head around what I had apparently agreed to, Ryan hit me with the most the biggest bombshell I could have imagined....“We should totally SELL THE HOUSE!”. Alarm bells hit and I realised he was completely serious. Pump the breaks, Ryan had just proposed that we sell our dream home!!! The house we had created in a knockdown rebuild, the house we had been built exactly how we wanted, the address that held all the memories- the marriage proposal, the place where all the kids lives began, the house I had always known would be ours forever! My thought was ‘my goodness this was something he has always joked about doing’....(or so I had thought he had joked about). Then the lightbulb moment.... cue internal maniacal laugh- the leverage I had been waiting for, for 4 long years- and I told him “OK, But......” he looked at me with that nervous curiosity, and then I asked the question I had asked more times than you could imagine.... “You can sell our Dream home, but I really want another baby!” And 40 minutes later of quiet pondering Ryan turned to me and answered “OK, lets do it!”
So here we are, Wade arrived and completed our perfect little family at the end of January 2017, the house was sold 5months later, prior to leaving we had given away, donated or sold 95% of all our possessions and well now..... we are living the Dream.